Our training courses
For professionals with the D.P.R. n.137/2012 professional updating and specialized training has become compulsory. In fact, every professional has the obligation to take care of their own upgrading to guarantee the quality and efficiency of professional services.
This becomes an opportunity for one to deepen useful tools, to strengthen their profession, and to be competitive in a labor market in continuous transformation.
Pietre di Rapolano has decided to provide better practical guidance on the choice to use stone materials, in architecture and construction, which are used by architects and designers in the realization of indoor and outdoor environments, creating a real training course.

Since June 2014 courses have been organized in collaboration with the Order of Engineers of Prato, the Order of Architects of Prato, and the Order of Surveyors of Florence, dedicated to the “Use of stone in architecture”.
Since 2016 Pietre di Rapolano has also been recognized as a training institution by the CNAPPC and has already presented the course “Stone materials in Architecture: marble, rapolano stone and other materials. Use, production, installation” several times. This course is offered to architects and valid for the issue of 4 training credits.
For the year 2018 a new course has been planned: “Use of stone materials in Architecture and Construction 2: practical notions, study of projects, completed works“; a further study carried out with descriptions of relevant case histories aimed at illustrating at best all the phases of the production process; from the relief to the executive design up to the realization of the necessary pieces. Following it, the professional will have all the information needed to tackle a project involving the use of stone materials: this new course also entitles you to 4 training credits.
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